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George Bell Productions, Ltd.

P.O. Box 24637, Winston-Salem, NC  27114

336.918.2212  ∞


Policies & Procedure Disclosure


Date of Publication:  July 1, 2023


Legal Name of Education Provider: George Bell Productions, Ltd.


Advertised Name of Education Provider: George Bell Productions, Ltd.


Name of Education Director: George Bell 


Names of Full-Time Officials and Faculty: George Bell


Education Provider Certification: 

George Bell Productions, certified by the North Carolina Real Estate Commission. The Commission’s address is 1313 Navaho Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609. Any complaints concerning the Education Provider or its affiliated instructors should be directed in writing to the Commission. A link to the Complaint Form is provided on the Commission’s homepage (


Per Commission Rule 58H .0204, the Education Provider must provide each prospective student with a copy of the Education Provider’s Policies & Procedures Disclosure (PPD) prior to payment of any non-refundable tuition or fee. The PPD, which is required by the NC Real Estate Commission, outlines Education Provider policies plus the rights and obligations of the Provider and the student. A signed certification that a student received a copy of the PPD must be retained by the Provider. 


No student shall be denied admission on the basis of age, sex, race, color, national origin, familial status, handicapping condition, or religion.


Course Offerings


George Bell Productions, Ltd. conducts the annual Continuing Education courses needed to maintain a real estate license on active status.


Broker Continuing Education Courses


Purpose of the Continuing Education Program

The primary objective of the mandatory Continuing Education Program is to help assure that licensees possess the knowledge, skills, and competency necessary to function in the real estate business in a manner that protects and serves real estate consumers and the public interest.

Per G.S.93A-38.5, brokers must complete eight (8) credit hours of instruction annually in subjects approved by the Commission in order to retain eligibility to actively engage in real estate brokerage. Per Commission Rule 58A .1702, the eight hours must be comprised of an Update course and four credit hours of elective courses.


Course Description(s)


General Update (GenUp):  The General Update (GENUP) Course is a four (4) hour course that must be completed by all provisional and non-provisional brokers who are not brokers-in-charge and/or do not have BIC-Eligible status and who wish to renew their licenses on active status on July 1 each year. Refer to Commission Rules 58A .1702 and 58A .1703 for a full explanation of brokers’ annual continuing education requirements and continuing education required for license activation.


Broker-in-Charge Update (BICUP):  The Broker-in-Charge Update (BICUP) Course is a four (4) hour course that must be completed by all brokers-in-charge and brokers who have BIC-Eligible status and who wish to renew their licenses on active status on July 1 each year. Brokers-in-charge and brokers with BIC-Eligible status must take the BICUP course each year to satisfy the Update course requirement and to maintain BIC-Eligible status, as prescribed by Commission Rules 58A .1702. and 58A .0110.


Elective:  Agency: Art or Agony:  An elective course designed to cause brokers to “stop…and…think” about his/her actions or inactions when working with buyers and sellers or landlords and tenants, especially when acting as a dual agent.


Elective:  Agency vs. Procuring Cause and REALTOR Ethics:  An elective course designed to identify, distinguish and discuss the differences between agency relationships and being the procuring cause of a successful transaction.


Elective:  And the Commission Says:  This four-hour elective course surveys the Real Estate Commission’s position on various issues as portrayed in articles published in the Bulletin from March 1977 to the late 1990s, as updated in 2012.


Elective:  And the Court Said:  This elective course is designed as a risk management learning system, as each case in this course involves a NC real estate broker and/or firm and has been considered by the NC Court of Appeals. 


Elective:  And the Verdict is…:  This real estate elective course is designed to help licensees understand the legal ramifications of real property contract law as determined by the courts of our land.


Elective:  Between the Lines: Insights from the Real Estate Bulletin:  A real estate elective course designed to address some of the most commonly asked questions posed by real estate brokers and to provide insight into many misunderstood positions taken by the Commission on transactional matters.


Elective:  For the Good of All: REALTOR Code of Ethics:  A real estate elective course designed to address the REALTOR Code of Ethics, including the role of the Grievance and Professional Standards Committees,

procuring cause, arbitration, and mediation.


Elective:  REALTOR Professional Standards:  An elective course designed primarily to satisfy the annual training requirement for members of a REALTOR® Association’s Grievance Committee, Professional Standards Committee and Board of Directors.


Elective:  The Contract Maze:  A real estate elective course designed to navigate the intricate details and elusive question of “When does an offer become a contract?”


Elective:  What Would Your Mama Say REALTOR Ethics:  A real estate elective course designed to address the REALTOR Code of Ethics, with emphasis on the 90+-Standards of Practice as found in the 17-Articles, followed by case studies based upon real-world situations.


Elective:  If You Were the Judge:  A real estate elective course designed to understand the legal ramifications of real property contract law as determined by the courts of our land.


Course Materials:  George Bell Productions, Ltd. will provide each student with a copy of course materials.


Eligibility Requirements for Course Completion Certificate

Per Commission Rule 58A .1705(a):

In order to receive credit for completing an approved continuing education course, a broker shall:

(1) attend at least 90 percent of the scheduled instructional hours for the course;

(2) provide his or her legal name and license number to the education provider;

(3) present his or her pocket card or photo identification card, if necessary; and

(4) personally perform all work required to complete the course.



Unless marketed/advertised otherwise, each course is $59.00 per person, and student materials are distributed at the beginning of the course.


Registration, Enrollment, and Conduct



To enroll in a course at George Bell Productions, Ltd. prospective students must register via or paper registration form as emailed or posted on  All brokers must provide their NCREC license number at the time registration.  For Zoom courses, each registered broker must have access to a computer equipped with a camera and microphone and a stable internet connection.


Tuition and Fees

George Bell Productions, Ltd. accepts the following forms of payment: cash, check, or credit card.

Tuition must be received by the time CE credits are posted to the NCREC website.

The penalty for a check returned for insufficient funds is: $20.




NCREC Rule 58A. 1705, a broker shall attend at least 90% of the scheduled instructional hours for the course.

Early departures from CE courses delivered in-person or via synchronous distance learning are prohibited.

Attendance will be closely monitored, including late arrivals and early departures from class sessions and from all scheduled breaks, during in-person and synchronous distance learning courses. All time missed will be recorded for each student. 


Course Cancellation or Rescheduling / Refunds


George Bell Production, Ltd. reserves the right to cancel or reschedule a course as needed.  Students enrolled in a rescheduled or cancelled course will be given as much advanced notice as possible, but in no event any less than a minimum of one-day notice of the cancellation or revised course schedule.


If a course is cancelled or rescheduled, students will be permitted to transfer their registration to a future class session or provided with a full refund.


Withdrawals and Transfers / Refunds


A student may withdraw from a course by giving notice to the Education Provider prior to the start of the course.  In such event, the student may transfer their registration to a future class session, or the registration fee may be refunded, as requested by the student.


A student who fails to meet the REC’s attendance requirement will not be entitled to a refund of any portion of paid registration.


Student Conduct


Students are expected to direct their undivided attention to the instruction being provided and refrain from engaging in activities unrelated to the instruction which are distracting to other students or the instructor, or which otherwise disrupt the orderly conduct of a class.


Examples of Prohibited Conduct include, but are not limited to:

Sleeping; reading a newspaper or book; loudly rattling or shifting papers; performing office work; carrying on a conversation with another student; making or receiving a call on a cellular phone; receiving a page on a pager that makes a noise; sending text messages; operating a laptop computer; or repeatedly interrupting and/or challenging the instructor in a manner that disrupts the teaching of the course.  George Bell Productions, Ltd. is required to enforce these student participation standards. 




I certify that the information contained in this Policies & Procedures Disclosure is true and correct and that George Bell Productions, Ltd. will abide by the policies herein.


George Bell

Education Director




I certify that I received a copy of George Bell Productions, Ltd. Policies & Procedures Disclosure prior to payment of any non-refundable course registration fee or tuition.



                        Signature of Prospective Student




Special Accommodations Request Procedure


George Bell Productions, Ltd. complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and strives to ensure that no individual with a disability as defined by the ADA is deprived of the opportunity to participate in a course. Students requesting special accommodations should attempt to notice the staff at George Bell Productions, Ltd. prior to any course date so as to allow the staff to arrange for any needed accommodations.


Inclement Weather 


In the event of inclement weather or a local or national emergency, the staff at George Bell Productions, Ltd. will post such Notice on the home page of our website at and place a message on our voicemail system.


Course Schedules


Course schedules are published separately from this Policies & Procedures Disclosure. Schedules are posted on the Education Provider’s website and are also available upon request.




Classroom courses at George Bell Productions, Ltd. are open to enrolled students only.  Enrolled students may not bring visitors to the classroom without prior approval of the Education Director.

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